The infrared emitters are used therapeutical applications:
For a long time the infrared radiation in human skin is applied for medical and therapautical reasons and is established that they are successful. The infrared emitters are particularly capable to radiate a big number of human body.
The skin is bask spoil, this is the base for the therapeutical energy of infrared emitters. With the heating, the vessels of blood are expanded and the blood transport the heat in environment of deeper departments of webs.
The supply of blood is increased, the metabolism is accelerated and the sensitive nerves of heat is sensitised. So general alleviation from pain is achieved in the case muscular and illnesses of web and her resistibility force of body is strengthened.
Becase of the relaxing results the infrared radiation is particularly suitable as metre of support for the massage, for muscular exercises in nature cure and in the sports, previously the electrotherapy before and at the duration of radiation UV and in other cases.
Now producers of equipment of radiation for medical treatment mainly se tables of radiation with 6 till 9 FSR 150W emitters that in most cases open in stages.
The fields of applications of use of infrared emitters are :
- Home of elderly
- Surgery
- Studio of health
- Clinics
- Institutes of beauty
- Sanitarium
- Solarium
- Institutes massage
- Medical bathrooms
- Rooms of ambulances and patients